Friday 27 July 2018

Computer Air Duster: Keep your PC clean and Up To Date!

Computer Air Duster or Computer Duster, popularly known as "canned air" is the equipment used for cleaning air out of delicate computer parts and accessories. These are mostly used on equipment which can’t be cleaned or dust off by water.

The equipment works on a can, when a trigger is pressed, it blasts out a stream of compressed gas through a nozzle. Though it’s named “canned air”, these cans contain gases that are compressed into liquids. Talking of true liquid air isn’t feasible, as it can’t be stored metal spray cans because of extreme pressure and temperature requirements.

Most notable computer duster gases include 1, 1-difluoroethane, 1, 1, 1-trifluoroethane, or 1, 1, 1, 2-tetrafluoroethane. Earlier butane was in use, but due to its inflammable, the gas was replaced with fluorocarbons. When inhaled, these gas duster fumes create psychic effects and harmful.

Whenever you buy a new computer or Laptop, it appears the most wonderful thing in the world to you, runs superbly and shines as well. After six months of use, your computer starts loose its shine, takes time to load files and delay in starting or shut down unexpectedly. These things occur mostly due to dust particles which need regular cleaning.

In every second, the PC, the dust is being drawn into by the CPU cooling fans.  A layer of dust particles gets coated on the important parts of your computer. As a result of that, the accessories of your computer get hot and everything starts slowing down.  According to the experts, a dusty PC runs at least 30% slower than one that’s not. It leaves many frustrated. In such cases, two types of computer air dusters are available in the market right now to clean your PC: canned air and the other is the Canless O2 Hurricane compressed air system.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Important features and Safety Precautions of Compressed Air Cans

Cleaning is important for maintaining and lengthening the life span of electronics equipment. Particularly, dust does create serious problems for computer and other electronics appliances. Working fans keep computer cool and when they are covered by dust, it stops to work properly. This is where air cans filled with compressed air come into play.

Air cans, canned air, compressed air dusters are three different forms of referring to compressed air gas dusters. These dusters are cans and filled with compressed air gases. When those gases are released, they shoot out at high speeds. This cleaning equipment is ideally suited for cleaning laptops, PCs, cameras, mobile phones, keyboards, DVD players, TVs and similar devices.

Compressed air can contain gasses that are compressed to such an extent that they become liquids. The liquid form is used for cleaning of the most sensitive electrical equipment.

The most important features of the best ones:

1.    Valve is one of the most important features of the cans. You should check the valve before purchase. These valves should rotate up to 360 degrees. The smooth spray of the liquid to hard-to-reach the areas of the devices depends on the rotation technique. It is always better to have removable valves than fixed. 

2.   Nozzle should be confirmed whether it’s durable or not. There’s as many as 3 different sizes of nozzles available in the accessories and they help to spray to the corners of your equipment.

3.      Refill: Accessories include refills of the same size as the can.

Precautions for Compressed Air Cans

1.      All components of compressed air cans should be checked regularly by trained employees.

2.  Operators while carrying out the safety tests should stay alert about the air receivers, the air distributions lines, the pressure regulation devices and the operation of the compressor.

3.    Compressed air cans shouldn’t be used to clean off clothes, workbenches, cabs of work vehicles, air filters or workshop floors.

4.      Compressors and air powered tools require daily checkups and maintenance.
5.      The air hoses should be kept off the floor